Help Your Dyslexic or Struggling Reader

When You Don't Know Where to Start

Inspired by the Orton Gillingham Approach

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It's like having your own personal trainer at your beck and call!

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  • NQ, Parent of 5

    My daughter worked with Angel Educator worksheets for two years.  During that time her reading skills jumped four grade levels.  We're so proud of her progress.

  • JFP, Nurse Practitioner

    My own daughter suffers from dyslexia and we had the opportunity to see first hand the effectiveness of the Angel Educators worksheets over a period of several years. I was so impressed with the results, that as a nurse practitioner, I have recommended a tutor that uses this approach to some of my patients.

  • AJ, Education Administrator

    My son works one-on-one with a tutor who uses materials from Angel Educators.  During the pandemic across the country, educators saw drastic drops in standardized test scores.  My son’s standardized test scores did the opposite - they increased - in fact he had accelerated growth.  His teacher was amazed.  I have been so pleased with his progress I have referred numerous families to our tutor who uses the Angel Educators materials.

  • AJ, Elementary Educator

    As a classroom teacher and reading interventionist I see the value in providing students with explicit phonics instruction.  Many reading curriculums are missing that piece until a student qualifies for interventions.  Intervention phonics often focuses on a pattern in the story and is indirectly taught.  The materials provided through Angel Educators explicitly provides the phonics students are missing.

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Why are these worksheets so effective?

See why our worksheets have helped students of all ability levels, from those with dyslexia to the advanced student.